C & C: Geek Factory

Saturday, September 17, 2005

Lord of War

My wife was out of town last night on a bug catching field trip for class (a topic geeky enough of for its own post) so I was left alone with my friend Stevie (a geeky name) to entertain me. We decided to go see a movie. His vote was on Lord of War so we checked it out on RottenTomatoes.com to see it had received mixed reviews. My vote was for 40 Year Old Virgin because everyone had been lauding it. In front of the theatre by the ticket line we made up our mind, 40 Year Old Virgin it was, until we ran into an acquintance of mine who informed us he saw it and felt it was too crude for him. He is a pretty crudely humorous guy, so we took his word on it and we saw Lord of War instead.

General Comments: This two hour long movie is very Nicholas Cage oriented. Cage lends his voice to the voice over of the movie which constantly runs over a good 95% of the movie. If you don't like Nicholas Cage this would be a serious turn off for you, and it almost was for me too. Not that I'm a big fan of his, he was great in Raising Arizona, Machstick Men and others, but I usually shudder to think of him as an action hero. One that he has filled on too many occasions.

I enjoyed entering the world of a gun runner. Certainly a story that hasn't been told on the silver screen (I could be wrong, but none that I'm familiar with). I also enjoyed several scenes throughout, such as the opening scene were we follow the life of a bullet from creation until it takes the life of a 12-year-old soldier in a conflict in Africa. Other scenes of note: Cage's character's brother recreating a map of Ukraine out of cocaine and the 'cha-ching' sound Cage hears while watching a gun being fired.

My main problem with Lord of War was the lack of a well constructed story arc. There story didn't really go anywhere, it merely followed Cage's history as he moved up in the gun-running world, failed to provide a climax and its resolution was a lame duck. I think more could have been done with Ethan Hawke's Interpol agent and his pursuit of Cage.

In summary:
Geekines: 0 - From the sample of the audience walking out of this movie, it was viewed primarily by youngmales. Probably at least 97 percent of the crowd. Not geeky at all.
Concession of choice: If I had to recommend one, I'd say popcorn. No candy.
Overall: 5.5 - Lord of War left me with a pretty 'eh' feeling. Although I am more interested in learning more about the world of gun runners.


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