C & C: Geek Factory

Thursday, September 22, 2005

Why in the world do I want a Nintendo DS?

I lot of people have been asking me lately "Why do you want a Nintendo DS so bad?" "What game makes you want to get it?" This is my forum to let everyone know why I think the Nintendo DS looks so cool and why I want to get one.

First I'll have you know that I wasn't always sold on the idea of the DS. I've been a tried and true GBA SP man for almost two years now. I have been completely in love with the GBA since I got it. It has offered me the amazing portable experience of a SNES with fun and innovative games. When I first heard about the DS and that it wasn't replacing the GBA but riding alongside it I thought "Two screens? Why? Sounds hokey and will probably end up like the goofy Virtual Boy, in the garbage!"

My opinion of the DS has been changing as of late. It started with the release of Advance Wars: Dual Strike that has caused me to delve deeper into the games released, and pending that just look so good that makes me want to get my hands on a DS and stylus.

1. Advance Wars: Dual Strike - I love strategy games. Final Fantasy Tactics for PSX, and GBA, both Fire Emblems and the two Advance Wars for GBA definitely make my list of favorite games. So it's no doubt this game certainly has my interest picqued. This game isn't heavy on the use of the touch pad (though you can command your troops with it) but offers new gameplay updates to keep it fresh.

2. Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow - When this game first came out I didn't think the graphics were really any better than what the GBA has to offer. While this may not be entirely true, this looks like one hell of a good Castlevania game. The touch pad comes into use against boss enemies where the player must draw a 'seal' in order to finish the baddy off. Read the preview and you too will be blown away.

3. Trauma Center: Under the Knife - This game looks to make the coolest use of the DS touchpad capabilities. The jist is it's a doctor simulation game! You have to perform surgeries and heal patients with the help of your knowledgable nurse and stylus/scalpel skills. Check the gameplay video to get a sense.

4. Ossu! Tatakae! Ouendan! - This Japanese game looks absolutely RIDICULOUS and amazing! In it you take the role of an all-male cheer squad that go about cheering people on. Game play is similar to... well imagine a DDR but using your stylus. Tracing and tapping patterns on the touch pad to the rhythm of J-pop. I hope it comes stateside.

5. Lunar: Dragon Song - I've never played the Lunar games, but rpgs always sound good to me.

6. Ultimate Spider-Man - I love Spider-Man and games with cell shading. I think this game shows off the DS's visual capabilities.

7. Resident Evil: Deadly Silence - The original Res Evil formatted for the DS. It is supposed to include more puzzles to involve the touch screen, but the best feature: first person, touch screen knife fights!

9. Viewtiful Joe: Scratch - More superhero, cell-shaded action.

10. Pheonix Wright: Ace Attorney - I love simulation games. This lawyer simulation game is supposed to be pretty hilarious as you search for evidence, cross examine witnesses and shout out "objection!" to your opponents. Every Law & Order fan's dream.

11. Nintendogs - These cuddly virtual puppies have warmed my heart. I played the demo a bit at Target and it was pretty fun. Great visuals.

12. Tamagotchi Connection: Corner Shop - Yes Tamagotchi are back! But in this game you don't raise them, you open a business with one! Of course you become business partners with your virtual pet, its the most logical conclusion! This game looks wacky. Maybe a little too wacky for its own good. Lets hope it comes to the US.

13. Mario Kart DS - I've loved Mario Kart since it came out for the SNES.

14. Sonic Rush - Looks pretty cool. This game uses both screens to increase the verticality of the traditional Sonic game. The boss battles shift into 3D though. I was never a big Sonic fan, but this looks pretty fun.

Well, that's about all I can think of for now. Some games may not appeal to you, but don't worry, I'll let you know if anymore strike my fancy!


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