C & C: Geek Factory

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

This week in gaming - Sept. 12

With the revival of the Geek Factory I thought I'd kick things off with a weekly recap of the games we've played in the past week, and perhaps beyond, to try and catch you faithful readers...readers...a reader...us up on what games have been going around in our living rooms.

Last Tuesday Chris and I were able to engage in a little Descent: Journeys into the Dark action. We started playing through the second scenario, Chris as the heroes, myself as the Overlord, but had to call it a night halfway through the game due to Chris' demanding bedtime schedule. Some excuse about having to "work." Why nobody else works the night shift like me, I don't know.

So we got to talking about other possibilities for shorter, dungeon crawling games. The next day Chris told me he'd been thinking a lot about, and reading up on Dungeoneer, a card-based game were each player controls a hero and acting as the dungeon lord at the same time. So, like any good little brother, I went to the game store for my brother while he was at worked and picked up Dungeoneer: Tomb of the Lich Lord for him.

We got a chance to play it Saturday night along with my wife. I figure we may give some games special spotlights, so I won't go into too many of the details now. After the first play through, my reaction was pretty "meh." The room my wife needed to complete her quests was the last card to be draw, but of course the fiends of the dungeon had finished her off before then. Also, it seemed pretty difficult to actually complete quests while your hero is on level 1, they don't have very good stats to start off with. The combat in the game isn't very deep, and depends on the roll of the dice, with plus or minus a few modifiers. Not that I'm criticizing it too much, it is after all supposed to be a light dungeon crawl. We finished in close to two hours. The game rules state 30-60 minutes per player is expected. So we did alright, and it was our first game. I think it will take another play or two to decide if the game is really worth it.

In other adventure game news we played Arkham Horror a little more than a week ago too. My initial impressions were that I liked it, but there are a lot of rules and steps you have to stay on top of which can make the game harder, or easier as was probably our case, to win. I'm definitely looking forward to playing it agian.

Chris and I have also been playing the World of Warcraft Trading Card Game's demo decks made available to print and play at the WoW TCG website. So far the record is 2-1 in my favor. I've been enjoying reading the card previews on the site, and a lot of mechanics in this game have got me intrigued.

In other news, Days of Wonder has announced it's follow up to Memoir '44 with Battlelore. This new game has the Web in a tizzy, and all of boardgamegeek is abuzz. That's all for now, we'll try and come up with some more indepth impressions of games in the days to come.


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